Reading Music

Reading Music is an free application to learn to read music.
Keys available:
- Treble Key (G2)
- Bass Key (F4)
- Baritone Key (F3)
- Tenor Key (C4)
- Alto Key (C3)
- Mezzo-soprano (C2)
- Soprano (C1)
How to play?
Notes appears on the staff and you should click on the right answer (on the right button bellow the staff)
With settings you can:
- Display colored notes and colored button to learn better.
- See the right answer when you are wrong.
- Choose one of the 7 keys available.
- Choose the difficulty from ver very easy to very very hard.
- Choose the number of answer and the display duration.
- Choose if you want A, B, C, D, E, F, G or do, ré, mi, fa, sol, la, si.
- Have vibration on wrong answers.

What are other options after having played the first solfège game.? Tks yr answer.
1 réponse(s) :
In screen setting (wheel) you've got all settings
bests regards
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Is it possible to change the alphabet A,B,C.. to the keystroke of piano? Single key or also the triad keys.
1 réponse(s) :
Still done ;-)
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GREAT APP!!!! A wish It would be perfect if one could hear the note played Normal tone Clarinet tone Off
1 réponse(s) :
Hi. I've added the sound option
bests regards
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Well done and easy to learn. Good contrived app. If you want to lear - use it. The only "extra" is for me that instead of boxes with letters I would like to prefer option "show keyboard". It would be one octave or more if possible to do. I noticed I remember notes, but when I wanted to play on the piano easy song my eyes were looking at the keyboard but my brain was visualising boxes first - eg, instead of tuching C which is the white key before two black I wanted to press first box. For more advanced option I would like to see staff with sharps and flats signs.
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