Home > Trumpet Fingering Chart

Trumpet Fingering Chart

Trumpet Fingering Chart

Trumpet Fingering Chart is an free application which will show you all fingering of the trumpet instrument.

Trumpet Fingering Chart will also show you alternative fingerings of some note of the trumpet.

Press arrows or swipe the screen to changes the notes.

Trumpet Fingering Chart Trumpet Fingering Chart
Get it on google play
Vos commentaires
https://apps.christopheloup.com a écrit le 16-10-2015 :

Hello Philip,

The app now produce sound when you click on the icon.

Thanks for your comment
Bests regards

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Philip van Rooyen a écrit le 17-05-2015 :

Thank you for a great App. It helped me to master the fingering of the trumpet when playing the instrument. One shortfall is however that the sound for each note is not produced when using the App. It would be of great advantage to students to hear the appropriate sound when moving from one note to the next, since it will render and enhance the coordination between fingers, eyes and hearing. My wishlist will be fulfilled if such an App, incorporating sound, could be developed and produced on Google Play Store in time to come. One happy trumpet player, Philip van Rooyen

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